


Well it’s that time of year again when many of us reflect upon the past year and those areas of our lives that we would like to improve upon.  I receive more inquires and requests for personal training in January than any other month of the year.  People start out with great intentions in the beginning of the month, but by the time February comes, most have regressed back to their previous habits already.  My hope is that this post can offer some advice that may help some of you that are struggling with your goals, particularly diet and exercise related.  Okay, here we go


First, find a program that is realistic and sustainable.  If you love carbs, then I would not suggest trying some extreme no-carb diet.  You will drive yourself crazy and give in after a week of giving up something that you enjoy.  Also, if a diet or program sounds extreme, avoid it.  For my clients that have successfully lost weight, we focus on tracking calories, portion control, and moderation so they can still enjoy some of the foods they always have, but in more of a controlled manner.  This is sustainable over the long run.

Not everyone can take an hour out of their day to dedicate to an intense workout.  Try one or two 15 minute circuit workouts instead if that is sustainable.  Also, most importantly, find an exercise program that you enjoy doing.  If someone you know achieved great results from running, but you hate running, then find something else you enjoy so it keeps you coming back for more.  It would be insane to force yourself to do something you are not enjoying every day.  Eventually there will be a breaking point at which enough is enough, forcing you to quit all together.


Long term goals are great, but they can sometimes be discouraging if we are only focused on the end result which seems so far away.  If your goal is to lose 60 pounds, then break that into smaller 1-2 pound goals that you can achieve each week.  If you are trying to clean up your diet, then concentrate on changing one daily meal a week instead of an all or nothing approach.  This way you will consistently have a sense of accomplishment allowing you to enjoy the process much more.



Change can be very difficult, especially when we become attached to certain habits or comforts.  There is always going to be an ebb and flow when things are easy, then extremely difficult.  One of my favorite quotes by Confucius is, “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”  My advice here is to focus on trying your best, one day at a time.  Don’t get discouraged if you feel you’re taking two steps forward and one step backward all the time.  You are still moving forward regardless.  When we focus too much thought on our failures, we create a pattern of more failures without even realizing it.  You are human and life is continuously going to throw distractions your way.  Accept this and focus your energy on your successes, then you will have a better chance of reaching your goals without giving up.


Just Start

Come up with a basic plan and just start.  It doesn’t have to be a perfect plan and you can fine tune it down the road.  Most of my previous procrastination is due from trying to develop the most perfect plan which is absurd and does not exist.  If your goal is to get back into an exercise routine, but you don’t seem to have the time, then start your plan with getting up 15 minutes early every other day and go for a short walk or try a few push-ups and crunches every other day.  Do something easy that you can start with, then develop changes to your plan down the road once you have mastered that part.  There are thousands of free videos offering routines on YouTube if you need a place to start.  If diet is your goal then simply start with adding more fresh vegetables to each meal the first week, then start to cut back on that soda with lunch, next try cleaning up your snacks, then clean up each main meal, one at a time.  Again, try to avoid the all or nothing approach as this can often times be dangerous to our efforts.


Be Patient

Understand that the secret to success in changing your body is consistency.  Your body will eventually respond to the stimulus you present it with every day over time.  Keep in mind that each one of us is unique and this response may happen quickly with some and slower with others.  Be patient and allow nature to handle those details.  All you need to worry about is putting in the work each day.  Avoid the magazines and websites promising you a new body in 8 weeks.  Often times these programs are brutal and unrealistic.  They also tend to make us think that if we just bust our butt for these few weeks, then it will be all over and we can relax again.  You need to think more in terms of making lifestyle changes that you can live with and will produce long-lasting results over time.  When people are impatient, they begin to make irrational decisions that will further deter them from their goal.


By Warren Paschetto Jr, MS, CSCS, NSCA-CPT